Welcome to SlackerCloud - a comprehensive resource designed with a focus on self-hosting and server management.

SlackerCloud is an independent publication launched in November 2023 by Richard Worthington. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows SlackerCloud to continue to exist. Thank you!

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Why SlackerCloud?

  1. Personal Documentation: For my own reference, this website documents detailed steps for setting up various applications and services. It's a way to keep track of instructions and specifics, making re-installations easier without the hassle of remembering the sources.
  2. Collaborative Platform: Created as a collaborative effort with friends who are also into self-hosting, this website serves as a shared space to assist in setting up and managing our servers.
  3. Community Resource: With an ever-growing collection of tutorials, SlackerCloud aspires to become a public resource that benefits a wider audience interested in self-hosted solutions.

Get Involved

Got questions or suggestions for tutorials and articles? Feel free to reach out at [email protected]. Your input is invaluable in making this resource richer and more useful for everyone!

Thank You!

We're thrilled to have you here and hope you find SlackerCloud to be a valuable tool in your self-hosting journey. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, we aim to provide helpful, easy-to-follow resources. And remember, your contributions and feedback are what make this community thrive!